King Dong


Fans of magic mushrooms agree that the Golden Teacher mushrooms, also known as a strain of Psilocybe cubensis, is the most popular psychedelic mushroom strain.

Those who are new to the world of psychedelics and shrooms can count on Golden Teachers for a reliable trip with lesser chances of having a bad trip. Hence, they are often a gateway shroom for magic mushroom newbies. Golden teachers are also lauded for their spiritual and/or shamanic effects. Hence, this shroom isn’t just for casual tripping. It can also be used for gaining new insight about yourself and the universe. It’s not uncommon for the Golden Teacher shrooms to produce a feeling of enlightenment and a deeper connection to nature. Spirit healers turn to Golden teacher shrooms as tools for restoring the mind and spirit.

Finally, Golden Teachers also produce hallucinogenic effects – a trait common among all magic mushrooms. Expect a visionary experience along with waves of universal energy surging through you with strong open and closed eye hallucinations. The name “Golden Teacher” derives from the magic mushroom’s ability to teach by providing new psychedelic experiences and transcendence to the shroomers. There’s no education higher than unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

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King Dong’s origins are rather vague, although the original purpose of this mushroom is believed to be for a meditative, spiritual experience. King Dong’s potency is more on the average side but can range a little higher. There are very few psilocybin mushrooms strains that matches King Dong’s enormous size. The stems are thick and large, with a mostly white colouring that is sometimes interrupted by hints of blue. The caps are thick and are typically a rich medium brown with some variations. Most users describe the aroma and flavour of King Dong as more pleasant than most other psilocybin mushrooms. Both the taste and smell tend to be moderately earthy with undertones of a natural woodiness.

King Dong is an above averagely potent mushroom with a high that lasts around six hours. Many believe that King Dong provides the best spiritual experience when taken outdoors in nature. The high begins with an enjoyable mood boost. Hallucinations and changes in perception slowly set in, with colours and shapes swirling and distorting. As the high peaks, you may notice that your thoughts become more profound and you develop a deep, meditative connection with the world around you.
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3.5, 7, 14, 28